Junior youth

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

Welcome to the vibrant world of All Seasons Junior Youth Ministry, where young hearts are ignited with passion, purpose, and a sense of belonging! Designed specifically for tweens and early teens in Grades 5 through 8, our ministry is a dynamic space where faith comes alive through meaningful relationships, engaging activities, and relevant discussions. Whether it's through fun-filled events, thought-provoking studies, or service opportunities, we're dedicated to nurturing the spiritual growth and personal development of every junior youth. Led by a caring team of mentors and volunteers, we provide a safe and welcoming environment where young people can explore their faith, ask questions, and discover their unique identity in Christ. Join us as we journey together towards deeper connections, greater understanding, and a faith that's ready to make a difference in the world!

Meeting Times

Sunday Morning
9:30 am to 12:30 pm


Wednesday Night
6:15 pm to 8 pm